Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Nature-inspired Holiday Joy: The Sounds of Windchimes

As the holidays wind down, I reflect on my favorite memories this year. When we were at my sister's home for a family gathering on Christmas Day, fireworks began to go off from a nearby neighbor's yard. (they live out of the city limits, the perfect setting for some folks who like to shoot off fireworks as part of their Christmas celebration) My son, 4 years old, called everyone to rush outside to see the show. It was short-lived, but as it ended we experienced the real treat. A quiet breeze set off a soft, melodious chorus of windchimes which are hung along the porch and among the trees in my sister's back yard. My son has always been attracted to her windchime collection. The first time he noticed them, when he was about 2, and ever since then, he enjoys going from one to the next to "make music" until he has played every one! That night, though, stopped us just to listen and enjoy the peaceful music coming from all around us. That moment of peace and harmony shared with my little guy was one of the greatest gifts of the season. His joy in the music of windchimes continues to inspire me.

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